Curated GDI/OpenGL/D3D effects from the PC cracking scene.
If you spotted a mistake in a file description, or want to add infos, YT capture, coder name, etc...
- you have files and want to contribute...
- you have remarks or suggestions about the galleries...
You can write us a mail at gdimayhem☆temari.fr.
☆ = @
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Before sending us a mail read these rules and burn it to your head. <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< -[ GENERAL RULES ]- [01] Download requests..............................[DELPURG] -[ FiLE SUBMISSIONS ]- [01] All years Allowed..............................[iNFO ] [02] GDI Dupe from the same team not accepted expect if the submitted material is older than the one present on site................................[iNFO ] [03] Web Groups and Scene groups only...............[iNFO ] [04] NO Trainer|Installer|Tool|NFO Reader|Cracktro..[NUKE 9X] [05] P2P/Art groups not allowed.....................[NUKE 9X] [06] Banned groups: T3|SHWZ|MART!K..................[NUKE 9X] -[ YOUTUBE CAPPING ]- [01] Capture only under a uniform background color..[iNFO ] [02] No Surplus: pseudos/ads/text/pic, even in a goal to hide the serial are not allowed, use tools like zDump instead.............................[iNFO ] [03] HD captures dupe SD captures...................[iNFO ] [04] Size your capture to the material you want to capture, not to your full desktop resolution...[iNFO ]
GDI Mayhem is using PSone bootstrap theme by 98mprice
Site logo has been draw by Xspider
Best viewed in 1920x1080 with Firefox v100 or superior and javascript activated.